Frequently Asked Questions
General Solar Questions
How does a solar panel system work?
Solar panels consist of multiple silicon cells which capture the sun’s rays and generate Direct Current (DC) electricity. The panels are connected to an inverter that inverts e power from DC electricity to Alternating Current (AC) electricity. If you’re located in the U.S., your home, business, and utility grid runs on AC power, so an inverter is required in order to utilize power generated by a solar panel. Modern inverters also provide safety measures, as well as monitoring system information and generation performance.
Will my solar modules become damaged during a storm?
Solar modules are very resilient to storms that may include heavy rains, high winds, and hail. Panel manufacturers stress test modules to ensure they withstand hail sizes up to 1 inch and winds up to 140 MPH. Since solar panels are insured against storm damage, they provide an added benefit of protecting your roof or vehicles from the elements.
What are standard equipment warranties?
Our equipment and workmanship come with strong warranties to ensure your solar panel system performs at its best.
- Modules – 25 Years
- Inverters – 10-12 Years, extendable up to 20 Years
- Mounting – 25 Years
- Workmanship – 5 Years
Do solar panels generate power on cloudy, rainy, or snowy days?
It is the sun’s UV rays, not sunlight, that are captured by solar panels to generate power. Much like how your body can still tan on a cloudy day, a percentage of UV rays can still pass through stormy atmospheres allowing solar panels to continue producing energy, albeit at a reduced efficiency.
How much power will my solar panel system produce?
A number of factors must be taken into consideration to determine how much power a solar panel system will produce. Attention is placed on these details:
- Module efficiency: simply put, more efficient modules produce more power.
- Inverter efficiency: the percentage of energy that goes into the inverter and comes out as usable AC electricity.
- Module tilt: the tilt of the module can affect how much direct UV rays are received by the solar module.
- Module azimuth: a fixed system installed in the northern hemisphere will produce more energy facing 180° South, and if 180° North if in the southern hemisphere.
- Location: the system’s proximity to the equator can effect production. A system installed in New York will produce less energy than in Texas.
- Weather: Areas with more sunny days produce more energy.
- Shade: Nearby obstructions like HVAC, vents, parapets, buildings, trees, and more can affect a system’s performance.
Solar Incentives
What is the Investment Tax Credit for solar?
The Federal Investment Tax Credit for Commercial Solar Projects is worth 30% of the eligible project costs. In addition as part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, 10% bonus adders to the Tax Credit that can increase the value of the Tax Credit to 40% – 50%. The bonus adders are available due to Domestic Content requirements being met and/or the project site being located in an Energy Community.
What is a State Tax Credit?
A State Tax Credit is much like the Federal ITC, but not every state provides one and the percentage value will vary.
What is a Solar Cash Rebate?
Cash rebates are sometimes offered by your state, municipality, utility company, or other organization that wants to promote solar energy. Rebates help reduce your total system costs, but usually have limited availability and end once a certain amount of solar has been installed. Whenever cash rebates are offered, it is in your best interest to act quickly to ensure those lucrative incentives are captured.
What is a Performance-Based Incentive?
Performance-Based Incentives (PBIs), offered in some states or utilities, pay solar energy system owners a per kilowatt-hour credit for the electricity that their systems produce. Certain PBI programs require that you install equipment manufactured in your state to qualify. PBIs don’t have to be sold through a market like SRECs, and incentive rates are determined when the system is installed and/or how much solar capacity is installed. PBIs may replace or exist alongside net metering policies.
What is a SREC?
Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) are often a part of a larger Renewable Portfolio Standards enacted by some state legislations. The policies tell utilities to generate a certain percentage of their electricity from solar power by a specific time.
If you live in one of these states, your system will generate SRECs for the amount of electricity produced by your system(s). Utilities will buy your SRECs so they may count your produced solar energy toward meeting their requirements. Selling your SRECs can result in hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars more per year in income, depending on the SREC market in your state.
How can I find out what incentives are available where I live?
You can visit: and filter the technology to show “Solar Photovoltaics”, then choose your state.
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